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jakarta, jakarta, Indonesia
I'm an engineer Hawk 100/200 air craft in 1st Skadon, Supadio Air Force Base.



Rabu, 08 Oktober 2008



Transportation is the way to move the peoples or things from one place to another place. The transportation is very important to support our activity. Because it’s necessary for us to do something in certain place. Here I want to write about the kind of transportation, advantages and the traditional transportation in our country.

Nowadays there are many kind of modern transportation such as planes, trains, busses, ships, cars, and etc. all of them use the modern machine with gasoline to operate the machine. Furthermore this vehicles need high knowledge to operate and to maintain. In contras the out put of that vehicles are smoke with “carbon monoxide (CO)”. it can be dangerous for the human and the other creatures. Besides that, the modern transportations some time make high risk of accident. For example, the air crafts and trains are more faster than the others vehicles, but they susceptible with accident, because of their high speed.

There are a lot of advantages of public transportations in our country. For instance, more comfortable, efficient, effective, easier, fast, and can loaded many persons or things. That’s way many people usually select the public transportation. The vehicles which have pleasure facilities always have the highest price. That’s the consequently for the service. Not only the rich man but also the poor man can use the public transportations. However they have different class for the passenger. Executive and business class are use for middle up and then the economic class is for the middle low.

Besides the modern transportations, we have the traditional transportations which still exist until now. For example, bicycles, rafts (traditional ships), pedicab, etc. Everyone knows the traditional transportations always less faster than the modern one. Even though this vehicles slower than the modern vehicles but they have advantages such as free from air pollution and toxic because they didn’t use gasoline, also good for our healthy and the most important is the traditional transportations rare of accident.

All and all the transportation is the most important to support our activity because it’s have many advantages. Day bay day the technology of the transportation always develop to make the new vehicles with better facilities. Therefore every body can select the best transportation for their comfortably, effective and efficient.

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2008


At the beginning of the 20 centuries, cigarette was most popular in the world. People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool and just for killing time. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. But now smoking is the important thing for their life. It can be for life style, and some times can make their body relax. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start before they're 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. That's why people say it's just so much easier to not start smoking at all.

More than 65% citizen in our country is a smoker. Men, women, adults and also the children have bad habit become a professional smoker. They consume average one pack of cigarette every day. If have to select between cigarette and food, I think they will choose the cigarette. Even though everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker million of money a year.

Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Even though smoking is dangerous for our body but it’s very difficult to avoid that. If someone starts to smoking, he/she will be very difficult to go away from smoking (cigarette).

The body doesn't need tobacco the way it needs food, water, sleep/rest, and exercise. In fact, many of the chemicals in cigarettes, like nicotine and cyanide, are actually poisons that can kill in high enough doses. And the consequences of this poisoning happen gradually. I thing every one knows, in the long term smoking can make their body/healthy weak and it can make another disease likes; cancer, lung damage, organ disease, and heart disease. This case can be very fatal for our healthy because make the person limited in ability to be normal life.

Otherwise, the cigarette factory is the highest pay for tax in our country. Tax from that factory can add income to our country. If the government prohibit smoking to all of citizen, it can be decrease of income and make the national economic unstable. Besides that the worker/employee may be loose their jobs. There is the hardest choice for the government to make conclusion.

Finally all forms of tobacco (cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco) are hazardous for our body. So we have to “say no to smoking”. I think that is the best motto to avoid from smoking. And if you want to stop from smoking, you can try gradually and step by step. We know that is very hard to stop smoking so “don’t give up”. Free from cigarette will give you a lot of benefit like; more energy, better performance, more money, more handsome, more masculine and in the long time give us more life.

Senin, 06 Oktober 2008


Lebaran day is the day for the winner who finished 30 days fasting. It is the most important day for the muslims , because lebaran day is the victory day, joyous moment, and forgive all of our mistake. So every muslim have to celebrate this special day. On this day Muslims celebrate the joyous moment of their return to purity (the literal meaning of the Idul Fitri). This is not something that should be understood only in a symbolic sense, but to some extent it also appears to have physical manifestation during the time of lebaran.

This year Idul fitri falls on the first day of October. In the morning at first Syawal month all of muslims started to celebrate the lebaran day. At 06.15 am (local time) We prayed to God in “ sholat sunnah 2 rakaats”. We prayed in a large field and wear the new clothes. Men, women, adult, and the chhildren join with that activity enthusiasly. The Chief of Religion department become “imam “ (the leader of sholat) in this moment. Besides prayed to God the “Imam” gave us sermon about 30 minutes. And the theme was “how to make our life easy and peace to get the heaven”. It was very interesting for us because, every muslim want to be good human.

After all activity on the field finished, we moved to our home. We forgive each other, it started from wife to her husband and then the children to the parent. Next, we moved to mosque to “halal bihalal” with our neihgbor. Thereafter, our family went to grandparents house. In this place we met all of families ; uncles, aunts, cousins, niece, and etc. We share each other about jobs, experience, talk about our children, school, and etc. We apologized each other and finally we didn’t have sin.

Indonesia have unique tradition to celebrate the lebaran day, for example almost all of the muslims “mudik” to their home town. Every person want went to their home town to met their families, friends, close relatives, etc. Eventhough they just have limit time to invite their families (because of their job), and in this day very difficult to got the ticket. And the other tradition are about special menu of food, the Indonesian people always make “opor ayam and ketupat” in lebaran day. It’s very popular in our country. Besides that member of the family wear the new clothes and the children receive a lot of money from their parents, grand parents, uncle and other close relatives.

Lebaran is the interesting day for the muslims and every year they always mudik to meet their families. Therefore to support that activity, the government have to prepare all of facilities. For example, the roads and railways have to in good condition, the vehicles ( trains, buses,ships, airplanes) must be in perfect condition and then the Police Department separate their member to help the citizen and control the traffic. All in all this method can reduce the incident and accident on the highway gradually. So the user of road will be pleasure and safe on their journey.